Benefits of Punctuality at Work

Punctuality is a wonderful trait of a person, one to be admired and respected. Punctuality displays a person’s respect for people and time. In a scheduled appointment, the late-comer usually gives an impression that he/she doesn’t value the other person’s time or considers his/her time more important than that of the other. This is exactly why candidates are never late at a job interview!

Punctuality is more important at the workplace because it is here that you get paid for the hours you put in and Employees are expected to be punctual and dependable in order to meet the needs of their department and the College. When employees are absent or tardy, work and service are interrupted and an additional burden is placed on colleagues. Punctuality is one of the important factors in evaluating individual performance and continued employment. Many people work from home these days, to them punctuality means being available online during office hours, logging in into meetings punctually, and meeting project deadlines.

To earn and maintain the respect you wish to have at the workplace you cannot wayside this wonderful human virtue. Below are some reasons why you should be punctual:


Punctuality speaks of a person’s respect of others. In giving respect to others we can earn in turn.


An employee who isn’t stressed about reaching late or has come in early enough to give him minutes to settle in before the day’s work begins, has got better chances to get more accomplished than a late comer who feels more pressurized. Some professionals, such as writers, journalists, producers and accountants, have daily, weekly and monthly deadlines. Meeting deadlines and timelines assures clients that they can count on you to get the job done. Without professional punctuality, customers might look for another company to supply their needs. Striving to meet deadlines helps establish your strong work ethic and your desire to be productive.

Team-Centered Goals

When you're on time for meetings, conference calls and shift changes, you show others that you have team-centered work goals. Punctuality demonstrates your respect for co-workers and clients and reinforces your time-management skills. Team-focused employees avoid extended lunch breaks, respond to emails in a timely fashion and avoid tardiness, making sure to carry their weight on the job. If you want your boss and co-workers to see you as a responsible team-centered worker, then be punctual.


It might not seem like your job security is based on punctuality, but it certainly doesn't hurt, especially in a struggling economy. The number of employees arriving late to work at least once a week has slid from 20 percent to 15 percent (Channel 2 news report in Reno Nevada). In a tough job market, you don't want to risk losing your job because your boss sees you as lazy or irresponsible. Punctuality demonstrates your willingness to get up early, plan and make every effort to complete your work on time.


Punctuality is a sign of professionalism and helps you stand out as a reliable and trustworthy employee. If you don't get your part of a project completed on time, you keep others from being able to finish their tasks. Being punctual helps you establish your reputation as a dependable and consistent worker. In an interdependent work environment, everything runs like a well-oiled piece of machinery. Being on time helps ensure that you're doing your best to keep things running smoothly.

Keenan Orfalea